I enjoy being in the company of people who enjoy logical and analytical discussions or who has a passion for the society or a passion for the environment. I broadly classify these people as rational people as I believe that all the three aspects - analytical discussions, passion for social causes, passion for environment are all rational. Ever since I returned to India, I have been trying to get myself into a company of such people. It took me almost 2 years to figure out such a company and join one.
After I came back from the US, I had sampled two organizations viz. Rotary and JCI, for a year each, but could not find them to my liking, not that I have anything against them. It was after this that the effort for rebuilding the Linux User community in Trivandrum was revived and I became part of that. It has been a very exciting 6 months since the start of this new group in Trivandrum. I for one person has enjoyed every single minute I have spent with the members.
Interestingly I have also found that people who have a passion for Free Software are also more rationally inclined with passions for society and environment. It is like I have met all the requirements I was looking forward to with this just one group. Through this group I also have got an opportunity to interact with students of Engineering Colleges in Trivandrum which again aligns closely with my long term goals.
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