Free Software Article for CET Magazine - needs review please

I was asked by the magazine editor of College of Engineering Trivandrum to prepare an interesting article on Free Software covering the various aspects around it. The article is supposed to go into the CET College Magazine. I have prepared a reasonably elaborate article and have posted it in my longer and philosophical blog. It would be great if you can please chip in and review the article here - Making Money with Free Software

I have been thinking of writing a detailed article around the same line for quite some time. It took me the whole of two days to get down to doing it. It is pretty long, so make sure you have sufficient time on your hands before you sit down to read it. Do let me know any corrections or changes that need to go in. The deadline for the submission is supposedly next Monday so we have just enough time to do any clean up if required.

Dear Sir,
i request that u send me all magazine review
thanking You

You can please follow the link given in the above article to get the complete review

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