Are you interested in doing your bit about eradicating poverty?

Anybody who has put some thought into the problems faced by our society would easily rate poverty as one of the biggest of them all. And most would immediately point their fingers at the respective governments as the only responsible agents to solve this. But not many would realize that poverty (or rather, a lot of it) is a habit and you can train people out of this habit.

When dealing with something as complex as our society, there would be several ways to deal with problems, like is the case with poverty. A few of us who are concerned about the problem have been meeting and discussing issues semi-regularly. We are planning to try out the concept of time banks to bring together people who can contribute towards tackling this problem.

Our target is to try to facilitate people to break out of the habit of poverty. Modeling habits (in line with the motto - "be the change you wish to see in the world") is our approach in doing this.

Our next get-together is on 10th Oct, the coming Saturday. There will be a screening of the movie - Black Gold (
We are still looking for a venue to hold this meeting. If you are interested in knowing more and in making it to the meeting please do get in touch with cherry at the rate of zyx dot in. Even if you can't make it but still would like to get involved do get in touch with Cherry or myself.

I am totally agreed with you.Lert us first search and Re-Search about How Can We Do our best to Eradicate Poverty, as by giving some emloyment opportunities to some one we come across who is unemployed, by finding out his unique abilities and talents etc.And then lending him/her a helping hand in any way which might support him/her to have income in some pecular way.

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