Need Help to find people who invest in Shares / Stock Market


I need some urgent help from my friends and relatives to find people who invest in the Indian Stock Market. I have invested in setting up a Stock Brokerage Firm - Stock Shop India - at Pattom, Trivandrum and the fall in the market has hit us badly. To recover we need to build our customer base rapidly. If you/friends/relatives invest in shares and trade at either NSE or BSE do consider opening an account at my firm. And not for nothing. I can probably offer you one of the lowest brokerage rates in the Market

I can offer you trades at 0.06% brokerage for day trading and 0.35% for delivery trades. This is when most players in the market charge .1% and .75% respectively. The offer that I am offering is a win-win offer for both of us. We get the required number of customers to help us on the block and you get one of the lowest brokerage rates in the market.

Stock Shop India is set up as a branch of Thrissur Securities, member of the Cochin Stock Exchange. We offer trading services for customers who wish to trade either at NSE or at BSE. All you need is a PAN card and a bank account to start trading. If you don't have a PAN card we can help you get a PAN card too. If you are interested do get in touch with me via phone(9446069446) or email (anoopjohn [at the rate of] gmail dot com) or comment below. You can also get in touch with Stock Shop office directly at 0471 - 3216945 or 9745199625(Priya - Manager)

i wan't to sell 35000 shares from GODN gold

i want some clients who are interested in investing in stock market, plzz suggest me some peoples

i am working with india info line ltd.

This tips are for who works in indian stock market and work in stock future.So join trade-technical and get guarenteed income minimum3000-4000 /day working in 1 lot in stock future.Call-99003137969 if you are interested.

One of the best roads to wealth is investing in the stock market. Many people don’t invest in stocks because they consider them too risky. But I guess in achieving success of any kind there's always a risk involve. Thanks for this helpful information.

Thanks for this helpful information. As a tyro in the financial world I need all the tips and information i can absorb.I've been in the forex industry for a while, realizing that you have to know what you are doing to make money in this industry and having a forex trading system in place will assist you greatly.Will definitely bookmark this page. thanks


im a broker here in Inndia...I'm actually looking for investors from UK and the Gulf and Middle East to invest with me here in India...any suggestions?


I came across this excellent website that shows live indices. and it also shows daily tips for indian stock market cool I love that.

Thanks for the tip. I will keep that in mind. Do you work for source2update?

Well I hope you managed to relaunch your business on Indian stock trading although I doubt your are doing fine now considering the current financial crisis and the stock trading instabilities around the world. As an online stock market trading broker I can only say that you don't only need new trading investors but you also need good intuitive professionals to keep things going in acceptable levels.

im a broker here in New York...I'm actually looking for investors from India and the Gulf and Middle East to invest with me here in NY...any suggestions?

-Casey Thomas

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