A confident entrepreneur is a soothing sight to see


I recently came across a young man who is still in college and running his own company with 2 of his friends. I have seen kids in college who dream of starting companies once they are established in life. I happen to be one of these latter. But here was a chap who dreamed of it and then went ahead and did it and then succeeding in setting up something that is going to succeed really well. I did not see his friends as they were in different colleges. Ladies and Gentlemen I present before you Prasanth P, Jacob Thomas and Rahul R of Opdyne.

I met Prasanth one day at my office. I had happened across their Slice and Stitch PSD to HTML Conversion site and was thoroughly impressed with the site and the way they were doing it. I put in a feedback and expressed an interest in knowing more about the company and presto I had a mail from this guy. He called me up, fixed an appointment and visited me at my office.

It was inspiring for me to hear about them and how they were doing business while at the same time managing their studies reasonably well. They are all doing their engineering degrees. Prasanth for one is doing his BTech from SCT, a premier engineering institution in the city. I am pretty sure that these guys are going to reject their offer letters once they graduate and the continue on with their companies given that they are already on their way.

It is people like these fellows that our country want. People who are willing to set a dream and then pursue it relentlessly, people who are willing to take risks, people who are willing to be different. I have promised Prasanth to promote them in whatever way I can and this is one small way. In addition to that I hope somebody will read about their endeavors and get inspired to do something on their own.

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