Zyxware starts selling on Ebay


It has been quite some time since our request to start a seller account was approved on ebay. However we had not gotten around to setting up items to be sold on ebay. Today I sat down and configured one item on ebay. It is a Ubuntu 8.04 DVD. You can also access the complete listings of products by Zyxware Technologies on Ebay

The option of setting up an ebay store was brought to our attention by one of our RequestCD customers Mr. Sumit Singh who has been trying to promote Zyxware ever since he happened to know that we were sincerely trying to promote free software.

We have just started our ebay selling and it will probably take us 3-6 months to see the effectiveness of the platform. It sure does give us a lot of exposure to the existing online marketplace. In addition to exposing a larger market for us there is another reason why we wanted to enter the ebay space. We have been literally giving out Free Software CDs at the cost of media + shipping through our RequestCD program. However we were shocked to see that people were selling the same thing for 10 times that cost on Ebay. This was happening most likely because of the information imbalance and we thought we could balance it out a little.

Our first listing on ebay is priced much higher than our normal rates because there are quite a few hidden charges for selling on ebay. The excess pricing is a wild park guess and we should be able to bring it down to the optimal levels once we get a hang of the costs and the processes and the risks.

Hi Anoop,

Just see many of the websites based in Chennai and Kochi selling Linux CD's at Rs120 and DVD's at 200 plus! I have bought Linux CD's (Debian 2.2 (potato), RH7.3 ) for Rs 150 odd way back in 2002! In that perspective , what you are doing is good! Will get back after visiting Ebay store of Zyxware with more comments.


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