Unofficial Report on GNU/Linux Install Fest on 14 June in Trivandrum


After almost a week of planning and preparation we were ready for our second GNU/Linux Install Fest. Unlike in the previous install fest we were better organized in terms of operations. We had been to the location on Friday night and had prepared the complete place and got everything ready including the posters, banners, table/desk arrangements and the systems. We had everything ready by around 12 midnight and went home.

On saturday morning all the volunteers turned up by around 9:30 AM. We had around 15 volunteers who came for the fest. We had a reception area set up and we were prepared to handle the deluge of visitors we were expecting. The reception was manned by three girls - Cris, Pinky and Sindhu. A video of the fest has been uploaded by Chandrettan to

Print media coverage was OK in the sense that Hindu and Kerala Kaumudi published the press releases we had given to announce about the meet. It must have been because of the location, which was not quite accessible by bus, that there was not as much turn out as we had expected. There were still around 7 installations and around 25 visitors. At noon we had our lunch sponsored by one of our ardent Free Software enthusiast - Ashik Salahudeen.

We dispersed around 6 PM after a full day of fun. It was so much fun that Ashik suggested that we should have all our regular meetings organized as Install fests without the fanfare associated with the Install fests that we have conducted so far. It is quite doable. All we need to do is get permission from some government school and then hold the regular monthly meeting at the school and all we need to take would be a monitor or two and sets of keyboards, mice and powercords. Anybody from the nearby locality can bring their computers to the meeting and have fun and at the same time get GNU/Linux installed on their computers.


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