Yet another long day


Yet another busy day comes to an end. I spent my morning as a driver as there was a dearth of staff with driving abilities. I came back to office around noon after the morning errands. The whole of afternoon, internet was down and I spent time with the software team. In between when internet connection was live I spent time trying to figure out how to set up on Ubuntu 8.04. I had set it up for one of my customers a few days back. I was able to set it up on my laptop today. Now I got to get around to writing an article on this and post it on

It has been a very terrible 3 days for as the hosting servers were undergoing upgradation. I was more worried about my customers who were hosting with me but I could not do anything about it other than the support tickets I had posted with the hosting reseller. I host with resellerzoom but now I have started scouting for another hosting provider. I have zeroed in on innohosting and hostgatore and will probably switch over to one of them soon. Migration is normally a pain and I will probably do it only by the end of this month.

I had been to my accountant today morning to discuss about the preparation and submission of Annual Returns. I also have to submit my service tax returns. I still have to get the returns and accounting issues cleared. It is really annoying to see that accounting and book keeping takes up a huge chunk of my time and my team's time. We are keeping accounts in books but will probably move to Tally soon. I spent some time today to see if there are alternative accounting packages other than Tally and to my surprise I didn't find any worth pursuing.

In the evening three customers had come with their systems to set up Ubuntu on them. I sat on that the whole evening up till almost 3 in the morning, tweaking and tuning the installations. I am totally tired and I have to remember to not take up 3 systems together in one go the next time.

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