Taking the Open Letter to Mammootty through the media


I woke up early today (relatively) to pick up Anivar Aravind from the railway station. I got there in time and picked up Anivar and took him home. We had breakfast and then sat down to get the press release to the media ready. By 12:15 we were not done and I had to go to P. A. Aziz College of Engineering to see if we could hold a meeting there this friday. I went with Prasad to the college while Anivar and Ashik, who had dropped by, worked on the Press release.

At PAACET I met with Manoj Sir who is in charge of the placement cell and discussed the possibility of a talk on Free Software. He was interested and impressed but unfortunately the college has programs scheduled for this Friday and there is going to be another of these harthals the coming Friday. He however promised to look into this and possibly arrange for one sometime during the beginning of the next semester.

After I came back we, myself and Anivar, had lunch and then set off to the different media offices in the city. We took around 30 copies of the press release and the open letter. We covered all the major print media houses and gave the material. We are expecting a reasonably good response from the media towards this although we are a bit apprehensive about the Mohanlal issue stealing the space.

By around 7 we were done and came back to my office. There was a laptop delivery due and I had to sit with the customer, who also happened to be the brother of one of my close friends from CET, to setup up Ubuntu. In between I had to shuttle to my cousin, who had just moved to the city, to deliver a few things he was borrowing from me to set up shop.
I came back and then by around 12 I finished setting up the system. I am too tired to do anything more. Off to sleep.

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