On the eve of the First Mandriva Install Fest in Trivandrum


As a continuation of the massively successful first GNU/Linux Install Fest in Kerala we are organizing the first Mandriva Install Fest in Kerala. Zyxware has yet again taken the initiative to organize this meet with the GNU/Linux Users Group Trivandrum and Space-Kerala

This time we are organizing the fest to coincide with the World-wide Mandriva Linux Install fest which is being organized by the Mandriva Community on the 14th and 15th of this month. The fest is planned to be conducted at Cotton Hill L. P. S. Vazhuthacaud from 9AM to 5PM on the 14th of June 2008. Reports and photos will be published on the Trivandrum GNU/Linux Users Group website. At the fest we will primarily be installing Mandriva, IT@School, Fedora and Ubuntu. In addition public will also get an opportunity to interact with ilug-tvm members and clarify their questions and concerns regarding Free Software.

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